International Conference on Computational Finance 2022

Deadline for Abstract Submission: 15 May 2022

Following registration, you have the option to submit an abstract through the conftool system. Your contribution can take either the form of a talk or a poster.


Conference Talks will each be 20min of presentation plus 5min of discussion.

(1) Minisymposium Talk

A minisymposium talk is the most usual contribution form at ICCF 2022. After a minisymposium proposal got accepted, contributers to the symposium can submit the abstracts of their individual talks.

  • choose 'Your Submissions' > 'Abstract Submission' in the menu in the conftool system
  • choose the submission format 'talk'
  • enter all details and your abstract
  • choose the correct minisymposium in the drop down menu under 'Topics'
  • if you cannot find your minisymposium or it is still in state of proposal choose 'minisymposium in state of proposal'

(2) Contributed Talk

Moreover, you have the option to propose a contributed talk to ICCF 2022, which will be clustered by the organizers into sessions consisting of several contributed talks.

  • choose 'Your Submissions' > 'Abstract Submission' in the menu in the conftool system
  • choose the submission format 'talk'
  • enter all details and your abstract
  • choose 'Contributed talk' in the drop down menu under 'Topics'


Thirdly, you may propose a poster. Posters will be displayed during conference days in the lobby of the conference building.

  • choose 'Your Submissions' > 'Abstract Submission' in the menu in the conftool system
  • choose the submission format 'poster'
  • enter all details and your abstract
  • choose 'poster' in the drop down menu under 'Topics'