Plenary Speakers
René Aïd, Université Paris-Dauphine
Carol Alexander, University of Sussex
Fred Espen Benth, University of Oslo
Anastasia Borovykh, University of Warwick
Damiano Brigo, Imperial College London
Rama Cont, University of Oxford
Emmanuel Gobet, Ecole Polytechnique Paris
Arnulf Jentzen, University of Münster, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Chris Kenyon, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, London
Christoph Reisinger, University of Oxford
Beatriz Salvador Mancho, Banco Santander, Madrid
Rafał Weron, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology

René Aïd, Université Paris-Dauphine

Carol Alexander, University of Sussex

Fred Espen Benth, University of Oslo, Photo: Tore Sætre / Wikimedia

Anastasia Borovykh, University of Warwick

Damiano Brigo, Imperial College London

Rama Cont, University of Oxford

Emmanuel Gobet, Ecole Polytechnique Paris

Arnulf Jentzen, University of Münster, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Chris Kenyon, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, London

Christoph Reisinger, University of Oxford

Beatriz Salvador Mancho, Banco Santander, Madrid

Rafał Weron, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology